Eugene Intuitive

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Extreme Gratitude

Imagine all the perfection & joy one can experience in one moment.
Double that! Triple that! Quadruple that! Expand that to fill this room, this city, this state, this continent, this earth & all the bodies of water, this galaxy, all galaxies into infinity with no time or space.
That's what I feel today after the Saturday class, interacting with these advanced souls with their guides, angels, and ascended Masters.

Just imagine if one could be in this State of Being forever.
When difficulties happen, fill that space with this Extreme Gratitude.

Stimulating experiences, deep conversations, and joyful living are available to you now.

Is this the thread that runs through everything in your life?
Let's create this NOW!

Call, text, or email me to set up a class or reading:
541-515-0610 |